Monday, March 31, 2008

Complete skin care tips, How to take care of your skin, Easy Skin care tips

Here is an A to Z guide to complete skin care. The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin defines our beauty, youth, strength and grace. Here are some of the best skin care tips you will ever see:

Glowing and clear skin is not only a sign of a well-cared-for complexion; it often signifies overall good health and well-being. So here are some of the best tips for skin care and protection:

A Is for Alcohol
Excessive alcohol intake can block the production of the body's antidiuretic hormone. As a result, too much drinking makes the skin dehydrated and prone to wrinkles.

Alcohol also widens blood vessels and increases blood flow to the skin, which can lead to thread veins, a reddened "drinker's nose" and the skin condition rosacea, which causes a red rash or flushed complexion. The skin condition psoriasis, which leads to red scaly patches over the body, can be another side effect of heavy drinking.

B Is for Beauty Sleep
While we are asleep, the body concentrates on tissue repair. Many cells show increased production and a reduced breakdown of proteins. Because proteins are the building blocks for cell growth and the repair of damage from factors such as ultraviolet rays, deep sleep may indeed be beauty sleep.

C Is for Carbon Monoxide
This is present in cigarette smoke and is known to cut off peripheral circulation -- the small blood capillaries that feed the skin. Smoking also stops the body's absorption of vitamin C -- an antioxidant which is also an essential ingredient for the growth of new collagen. Giving up smoking will help skin retain a healthy appearance.

D Is for Dust
This is a major allergen for eczema sufferers. To reduce dust in the house, vacuum regularly, and choose sofas with leather or leather-look coverings, as these are easy to wipe clean.

Replace curtains where you can with roller blinds. Dust mites also thrive between 64 degrees and 75 degrees, so keep rooms cool. Humid air can cause mold and dust-mite growth, both of which irritate eczema, so use a dehumidifier.

E Is for Essential Fatty Acids
If you suffer from itchy, flaky or inflamed skin, the chances are you are not eating enough essential fatty acids. Foods to choose are oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and pilchards, nuts and seeds.

F Is for Flushed Face
This can be the result of eating the wrong foods. Flushing happens when blood vessels in the skin dilate. A wide range of causes include hot drinks and alcohol. Eating large amounts of the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) -- used especially in Chinese food -- can give rise to a type of red face known as Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Chemicals found in beer, cider, wine, desserts, fried and frozen vegetables, fruit juices, frozen prawns and shrimps, and milk products may cause flushing, too.

G Is for Gut
A poor complexion may be a sign of problems in the gut. If you suspect a link, keep a note of everything you consume for a few weeks to see whether any particular food irritates your digestive system and skin.

Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet helps to clear out the digestive system.

H Is for Honey
This has long been recognized for having skin-softening and moisturizing qualities. However, one of its constituents, inhibine, also has mild antiseptic properties. This makes it helpful for treating mild, acne-prone skin. Clinical trials at the Waikato Hospital in New Zealand have successfully used manuka bush honey to treat leg ulcers and pressure sores.

I Is for Iron
If skin appears pale, this could be due to a lack of iron, a problem which affects nearly 80 percent of women. The pallor is caused from too little hemoglobin, a molecule that carries oxygen in the blood. The richest source of iron comes from red meat, tuna and sardines and lentils.

J Is for Junk Food
According to a U.S. study, pimples can start when the digestive tract quickly absorbs refined, starchy carbohydrates from white bread, potatoes or sugary soft drinks.

These foods cause blood sugar to climb rapidly, causing the release of insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin helps cells soak up the excess sugar in your blood, but it is released alongside another substance called IGF-1.

These two chemicals boost the production of testosterone, the male hormone that, in turn, can cause the skin to overproduce oily sebum that plugs up pores and leads to acne.

Excess sugar is also a cause of premature aging. Over time, too much sugar can result in a process known as glycation, which, at a molecular level, can damage collagen in skin, cartilage and ligaments, making them lose their elasticity.

K Is for Vitamin K
Getting enough vitamin K could prevent the appearance of thread veins. Though small amounts exist naturally in the gut, it is best to boost intake with dietary sources such as green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach.

L Is for Laughter
When we laugh, we take in more oxygen, which temporarily boosts blood pressure and heart rate. This then causes the capillaries close to the skin's surface to dilate.

These capillaries become filled with blood, which then feeds the skin with an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients, making it appear healthier.

M Is for Making Love
According to research carried out at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, people who make love three times a week look between four and seven years younger.

This is because sex is an aerobic form of exercise that promotes skin renewal. Vigorous action during sex means higher levels of oxygen are being pumped around the body, bringing blood flow and nutrients to the skin's surface. Thanks to blood being pumped around the body, fresher skin cells lying deep down in the skin are pushed up higher to the surface of the skin.

N Is for Nuts
Nuts are high in essential fatty acids, which help to replenish collagen, naturally moisturize and promote skin firmness. Nuts also contain anti-inflammatory properties, which help to ensure that the skin stays smooth and un-pimpled. Particularly effective are hazel nuts and brazil nuts.

O Is for Oats
Bathing in oat-based solutions can help problem skin. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory compounds in porridge oats can help conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Fill a sock or stocking with porridge oats and place in water for 20 minutes while bathing.

Research conducted by University of Alberta scientists has also discovered that betaglucan, a soluble fiber found in the cell walls of oat kernels, can effectively reduce facial fine lines, deep wrinkles and skin roughness. Unlike Botox injections, this latest version of anti-wrinkle therapy can be applied topically as gels or creams.

P Is for Parabens
Many chemicals found in cosmetic and personal hygiene products can have a detrimental effect on the skin. Among these known irritants are a group of chemicals called parabens. Prefixed by methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl, they act as a preservative to prolong shelf life and inhibit microbial growth. However, they are also toxic substances and can cause allergic skin reactions.

Most products will list parabens in the ingredients.

Q Is for Q10 Coenzyme
Q10 is a powerful antioxidant and energy nutrient found in every cell in the body, in particular, the heart and liver. It acts as a catalyst, sparking the manufacture of energy molecules in each cell. It is also important for maintaining healthy skin. As we get older, levels of Q10 in the skin are below optimum, resulting in lesser ability to produce collagen and other important skin molecules.

Aim for a daily dose of 30 to 100 milligrams, and look out for skin creams that contain Q10.

R Is for Radiation
Radiation from mobile phones could trigger skin allergies, according to research carried out at Unitika Hospital in Kyoto, Japan. Scientists claim that microwaves emitted by mobile handsets can worsen allergic reactions to dust mites and pollen. The researchers believe that mobile radiation can "excite" antigens -- substances which cause allergies -- in the bloodstreams of susceptible people.

S Is for Stress
Cutting down on stress could result in fewer skin problems for adults.

Though teenage acne is often linked to hormonal changes, adult acne is often linked to stress. When a person is under stress, the adrenal gland is stimulated into producing sebum -- the oily substance that keeps the skin moisturized. Excess sebum then meets with pollution or chemicals on the surface of the skin, causing it to clog the pores. Once a pore becomes blocked, it can then become infected.

T Is for Towels
Eczema itself is not infectious, but sufferers carry a bug on their skin, which can cause impetigo in nonsufferers. If you are an eczema sufferer use separate soft cotton towels to avoid spreading infection. Dab dry, as rubbing can irritate the skin.

U Is for Ultraviolet Rays
Though prolonged exposure to the sun is linked to aging and skin cancer, a team from the University of Manchester claims that catching some ultraviolet rays at specific times of day and not wearing sunscreen could benefit health by helping the body to produce vitamin D [from direct sunlight]. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate from food, and is essential in the formation of bones and teeth.

V Is for Vitamin A
This is essential for replenishing skin cells. It is best taken by eating vegetables that contain a large amount of beta carotene, which is turned into vitamin A by the liver.

Beta carotene is an important antioxidant, which is vital for skin health. Antioxidants track down and destroy harmful free radicals in the body that can cause damage to your cells. Beta carotene-rich vegetables include green leafy varieties such as broccoli, or carrots and dried apricots.

W Is for Workout
Just as exercise is important for general fitness, the muscles of the face also need a workout. Doing facial exercises can prevent the skin from sagging especially around the jaw line.

Exercises can include grimacing, opening the mouth wide and closing it again, and raising and relaxing the eyebrows.

X Is for Xerosis
Xerosis is the medical term for dry skin, which can leave the skin red and itchy as well as looking cracked. Dry skin is more common in people with an underactive thyroid, and its incidence increases with age. Air conditioning, central heating and swimming in chlorinated water may increase the risk.

Use specialist soaps, such as coal tar, as well as bath oils.

Apply an emollient after bathing and when itchy.

Y Is for Yogurt
Eating natural or probiotic yogurt will help maintain the population of so-called gut-friendly bacteria that live in the digestive tract. When friendly bacteria are outnumbered by harmful bacteria, it can lead to skin problems.

Fungal and inflammatory skin conditions such as dandruff, acne, candida yeast syndrome, certain types of eczema, nail infections and even athlete's foot are some of the problems that can arise when pathogenic bacteria and fungi gain power in the gastrointestinal tracts and on our skin.

Z Is for Zinc
This is vital for the growth and repair of the skin and for a fresher complexion. It also plays an essential role in healing as well as preventing stretch marks and scar tissue.

Deficiency can be spotted when skin becomes excessively dry, oily, heals slowly or is prone to infections. Foods rich in zinc include red meat, oysters and nuts. Alternatively, you can take a zinc supplement every day. The recommended daily allowance is 15 milligrams per day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Polyclinic Creates Cosmetic Surgery Revolution in Seattle

The Polyclinic has a long standing history of delivering the best in cosmetic surgery since 1917. With an expert team of 125 doctors, 700 employees, 22 specialties in about 11 locations, the cosmetic surgery team of the Polyclinic has enhanced the look and appearance of thousands of patients.

The Polyclinic is known for offering the best treatment in cosmetic surgery in Seattle. Be it liposuction, breast augmentation or facelifts in Seattle, a lot of people are attributing their cherished and improved look to the deftness of the medical team at the Polyclinic in Seattle. Breast augmentation in Seattle is done in the best possible manner only at the Polyclinic. Doctors and medical fraternity at Seattle have high regards to the way the Polyclinic uses the latest liposuction techniques on patients, to make them look like they always wanted to.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Body Composition

Body Composition represents the different components which make up a person’s body weight. It is the allocation of fat and muscle in your body. A person would never be ‘over-fat’ but he would be ‘over-weight’. The human body is made of two types of tissues lean tissues and fatty tissues. Lean tissues which make up your muscles, bones, ligaments etc are important for metabolic activity while fatty tissues do not have any role to play in the metabolism or growth.

I am sure you must have wondered what is supposed to by your ideal weight. Women are always confronted with this perennial question, which they ask to themselves and people around them-Am I looking fat in this dress? The amount of body fat required varies differently for men and women. The minimum percent of body fat for men would be around five percent and for women, ten to twelve percent. Men should caution themselves against tiding over the fat level of 25 percent. Women have a reason to worry about their body fat accumulating on the larger side if it exceeds 33 percent.

There are different methods of finding out if the person is fat or if he is healthy. The methods also known as Body Composition Analysis has a standard form of assessing called hydrodensitometry. This method is complicated and time-consuming. So the physiologists have switched to skin fold measurements, as a viable alternative. Here in this method, there is a qualified trainer or physiologist who assesses your body composition with tests which could give almost accurate results. Two other famous method of body composition assessments, that of waist to hip ratio and body mass index (BMI) are useful but may not be interpreted properly

The aim should be to lower your body fat and increase muscle density. This can be done through regular exercise. Your body is made of essential constituents like water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals etc. So if you have layers of fat centered on your waist, you could be a risk factor for heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure.

You might think that most people are naturally fat and overweight due to their genes. This is true to some extent but the number one reason for altering your body composition and being over-weight is due to erratic life-style. When your body undergoes a change in puberty, you will see that the fat cells actually increase in size. There is no increase in their number. So, in other words, the cells have a tendency to expand or shrink depending on how many extra calories are stored in your body.

Low body fat is important for improved performance and athleticism. But too low body fat is also a burgeoning problem. With the onset of ‘pencil slim’ fad pouring, a lot of women compromise very heavily on their eating habits, giving rise to disorderly eating patterns, osteoporosis, anorexic, bulimia etc.

To change your body composition, you need to be at the correct balance between the calories you intake and the calories you burn. You need to indulge yourself in fitness exercises or aerobics. When you bicycle, jog or do aerobics, you are on your way to decrease the body fat. Also you need to check your consumption of fatty foods. When you exercise you gain muscle tone and mass. Begin with a regimen of fifteen minutes a day.

If you eat hi-calorie food and do not burn them by exercising or vigorous activity, then you would naturally become, what is termed as ‘fat’, with low muscular strength. Also it is true that when you stick to a balanced diet and exercise regularly, you may not see a change in total weight. But you will build your muscle mass and there will be a positive reduction in your body fat. Not only does exercise give you a fresh glow to your skin, but also you look vibrant in terms of health, and your body composition will improve for the better. One should note that muscle is three times more in weight that fat per unit of volume. So you would weigh more if you have more muscle power.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tips to get good sleep

Not getting good sleep? Here are some ways in which you get a goodnight rewarding sleep

  1. Dont smoke your ciggies or drink tea/coffee within 3 hours of bedtime.
  2. Have a light meal before going to bed. Do not have a heavy/spicy meal before bedtime because it can cause heartburn and prevent you from sleeping.
  3. Do not depend on sleeping pills. Sexual activity or masturb@tion is nature’s way of giving sound sleep. Plus it is much better than depending on sleeping pills
  4. The bed should be only used for sleeping or making love. Do not eat, watch TV or use your laptop in the bed. Psychologically, it will not help you attach an importance of sleeping to the bed if you are using it for a lot of activities.
  5. Dont consume alcohol within 4 or 6 hours of bedtime. It may make you sleep at first but can give you a sleepless night once you wake up in the middle of the night.
  6. Exercising two hours before he bedtime can also give you good sleep.
  7. A hot-water shower or bath before retiring to bed can be stimulating enough for a good sleep.
  8. Make the environment in the bedroom conducive and comfortable for a good nap
  9. Read a not so interesting book at bed; you will never make out when sleep hits you.

Migraine Headaches, migraine attacks and you

Migraines take a grave toll on family life at numerous households throughout South Africa and Asia. Many of the sufferers are women. ,

Who are affected by migraines?

Migraine incidence is maximum among both sexes between the age of 25 and 55, the very years that most people are at their financial peak and busiest with the chief work of raising a family. The effect on the family and society as a whole is enormous. 1 in every 5 households in the US are affected by the migraines of one its occupants. The numbers for South Africa are likely to be roughly the same as those for the US, since research from around the world indicates that migraines are prevalent in similar proportions across nations, cultures, and races. Among them are millions of women who need to live up to demanding dual roles as homemakers and breadwinners.

Women and migraines
Women of childbearing age are up to three times as likely to suffer from migraines as men of the same age are. This clearly shows that changes in hormone levels during the menstrual and other hormonal cycles are a major triggering factor of migraines among women. Some 14% of women who suffer from migraines only experience them during or around menstruation, underlining the role played by oestrogen and progesterone withdrawal during the menstrual cycle in migraines among female patients.

Just about every event in a woman's reproductive development has the potential to change the frequency, severity, or duration of migraine headaches including menarche (the beginning of menstruation at puberty), pregnancy, and menopause.

A woman who frequently experiences the dull throbbing head pains, nausea and sensitivity to noise and light (all characteristic of migraines) does not suffer on her own. Her condition impacts on her family, too, damaging relationships and often preventing the sufferer from living up to her responsibilities at home.

In one study, 50% of respondents reported that they were more likely to argue with their partners and children because of their migraine while 60% believed that it caused them to be less involved with their partners or children. Their partners confirmed these opinions.

As if the pain of the migraine weren't debilitating enough, migraines are often associated with a broad set of physical, affective and neurological disorders - including complaints such as asthma, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety and epilepsy. Each of these conditions has the potential to harm the sufferer's home and work life as much as the migraine pains themselves.

What to do about migraines
Migraines do not go away by themselves, and women who neglect to have them treated, run the risk of further health complaints. Recent studies indicate that migraine can be progressive in many patients, which means that the person suffers migraines with increasing frequency over time, until she is in nearly constant pain. This is known as "transformed migraine."

Many patients, not releasing that they suffer from a controllable biological condition that is genetic in origin, begin to rely heavily on over-the-counter and prescription drugs to control their pain. Unfortunately, repetitive and heavy use of these drugs can cause headaches that are even worse than the ones they are supposed to 'cure.'

For these reasons, effective treatment should focus on finding the underlying causes of the patient's pain and providing permanent treatment that prevents progressive migraines and avoids the overuse of medication.

The most important thing to note about menstrual or hormonal migraine is that most women with menstrual migraine have normal hormone levels, so effective treatment needs to focus on finding out why these women have abnormal reactions to normal hormone fluctuations. The origin of the pain is in physical structures that are located in the head, neck, and facial areas and it is these parts of the body that need to be investigated comprehensively to understand the causes of the migraine.

Sourced from:,33180.asp

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Face lifts-The natural Way-Steps to a natural face lift

Interested in delaying the age off your face? Want to look beautiful and desirable even in your 60s? You can do so by giving your face a face lift. It always helps if you do facial exercises at any age in your life.You can retain your youth, your vigor and your beauty by giving a natural face lift. Here is how you can banish crow's feet, wrinkles and other signs of old age and start looking beautiful, sexy and vibrant with a natural face lift:

Shut your eyes. Though best done lying down, it can be done in any position as long as one is completely relaxed. Move your mental awareness to each part of the face, starting from the neck upwards. The awareness must be complete (visualise and mentally feel the part). The pace of awareness must be crisp. While moving your attention, say: “Front of neck, back of neck, chin, upper lip, lower lip, palate, upper jaw, lower jaw, tongue, throat, nostrils, right nostril and left nostril,” and so on, taking each specific part into account. Part of an ancient yogic meditation called nyasa (renamed yoga nidra), is popular as progressive body awareness. This is a good work for your face, the natural way...

Let’s face it
Skin therapists warn that preventive face care should start as early as 16! This leaves most of us seriously behind. True even for those of us investing time and money on this most crucial and visible part of our body. Start today before it’s late. This is easily one of the best ways to get a natural face lift.

Soothe the eyes

Place three of the middle fingers under the eye. Apply gentle pressure downward. At the same time close eyes to provide resistance. This exercises the muscles under the eyes. Do thrice. Place ring finger and middle finger of each hand at the corner of your eyes.
The extremely gentle finger pressure should be upwards, towards the hairline. Shut eyes provide counter pressure. Repeat thrice. Soothes away wrinkles around the eyes. Sit straight with your eyes closed and relaxed. Keep your eyes closed while lifting your eyebrows and stretching your eyelids down as far as possible. Keep the position for 10 counts and repeat 10 times. It removes crows feet and keep your face glowing naturally

Say cheeks
Place each thumb on the middle of each cheek. As this pushes the cheek inside, resist by moving cheek back to thumb. This firms up cheeks.

Lip liner
Move your lips into a puckered kiss and while relaxing the kiss, keep the lips locked and curl lips into your mouth across your teeth. Hold for 10 counts and relax. Repeat 10 times.

Bust double chin
Sit up right, tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips locked and relaxed. Next, move your lower lip over your top lip as far as possible and keep it stretched for a count of 10. Relax and repeat 10 times. (If suffering from neck pain, all movements involving neck must be done only in a phased manner, under expert guidance.) Initially don’t tilt back too much. You may reach deeper with practice.

Neck line
Tilt head forward. Place palm of right hand on back of neck. Push head back, at the same time resisting with hand. Release pressure. Repeat four times. Repeat with the other hand. This exercise works out the most neglected war-zone of aging, our neck. Lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge. Slowly bring your head up towards your torso and keep it there for 10 counts. Relax and lower your head towards the floor. Repeat 10 times.

Firm up the jaws
Close your mouth and clench you teeth firmly. Open your mouth to release pressure. Close and clench again. Do 10 times. This prevents sagging jowls.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ibs medication, IBS cure, IBS relief..Natural remedy for IBS

There is no permanent cure for IBS. But then IBS is not really harmful to your life. Your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines that can decrease IBS symptoms. Depending upon the symptoms of IBS, medicines for IBS is prescribed:

If pain or discomfort in the abdomen is the problem for your IBS, you will be prescribed anti-spasmodic medicines to reduce the cramping feeling. Dicylomine(brand names Bentyl) and Hyoscyamine(Brand names: Cystospaz, Anaspaz and Levsin) is useful to reduce colon spasm(under medical prescription only).

If the pain is due to diarrhea, your doctor may prescribe medicines like loperamide (brand name: Imodium). You may be also prescribed anti-depressants if your IBS conditions are severe and making you depressed.

However prevention is better than cure and the same goes for IBS too. Here are some tips to help you with controlling IBS:

  1. Drink a lot of water
  2. Eat nutritious and healthy food, rather than junk food
  3. Instead of three big meals a day, eat six smaller meals. It works and controls your bowel movements.
  4. Do not use laxatives often because they make your intestines weak and you become mentally dependent on them.
  5. Focus your mind on other things to deal with stress. Meditate, read, exercise, play and keep yourself busy so that you are not dominated by stres</span>s.

Natural remedy for IBS:

  1. Chewing a ginger crystal after meals is helpful for both nausea as well IBS.
  2. Use coconut in your food, cook with coconut oil or drink coconut water to soothe your digestive system and fight IBS.
  3. Mint tea proves to be a good relief against IBS. Mint tea is quick and temporary relief.
  4. Drink lime juice with no sugar also helps to get relief from IBS.
  5. Peppermint oil is an effective remedy for IBS.